
Down On This Floor...

Society of the spectacle, modern mythology, generalised publicity, are all capital concepts but nevertheless insufficient to define the nature of our relationships with the university and society... We perceive the world, unconciously, as an omnipresence of signs... Signs without significations, whose sole interest is to evoke, to make us look back into the concealed part of ourselves. The look and subjectivity; we must reconsider our relationship with the event in the most innocent appearance: thus is it the spectacle, minute fragment of spectacular society.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Firstly, kudos on the title.

I'm not really too taken with the whole consumerism notion. People after all wouldn't be anti- if they were only subconsciously taking in their surroundings. It is by human selection that value is represented in 'trinkets', ie. SUV, sunglasses in Spring, and so on. The ideas of necessity have long since evaporated and what was left was fundamentally still an undeveloped tribe concerned with what the neighbor has. You can't ignore, that the circulation of money is a key part of society even if the consumers can't spend wisely.


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