

'I'm just so bored of wasting my time, love and death are always on my mind...' - The Stills / Love And Death

Since I posted 'Death...', covered some thoughts on death; I've been told to take on the big half, Love.

'When my love stands next to your love, I can't compare love...' - Talking Heads / Love - Building On Fire

It's a strange topic to get into because it's something we all at some point want. So my thoughts might be complete garbage in comparison to the masses, my thoughts might be complete garbage in comparison to what I think next month or next time I meet someone who makes a change to my life - my thoughts may change the next time someone says they love me.

'I gave you all I had, I gave you good and bad and you just threw back...' - Brakes / Sometimes Always

Soul mates is not something I have tend to believe, I truly believe in chemistry and 'matches' and the whole concept of there being one person who would have a soul that would be intertwined with my own sounds amazing but it just doesn't seem right. I think that meeting someone who is so right would give this illusion, well it's not an illusion it's an impression - it isn't concrete but it's not false. My one is yet to be found? Maybe she slumbers in the last place I'd ever look? I don't know.

'Do you ever wonder where you'd be without her...' - Gomez / Sound Of Sounds

Criteria - all this talk of criteria - what it is precisely I am looking for now - I don't know why I'm asked. What do people want to hear? Do they really think I have this recipe or a checklist in my pocket for the 'perfect' partner. Having options doesn't really make life easy, it just questions well why would you pick one over the other. The idea of criteria is pointless - obviously I have preferences but I'm not as stupid to ignore someone because they aren't 'my type', they have red hair or they like Westlife or they have a medical problem. Everyone has something within that some people will look for and find. Returning to this idea of needing your eyes open to see. That maybe sounds optimistic in comparison to the rest of things on this blog but it's true, maybe the truest thing on this blog? People are for discovering.

'I can hear the silence of what we used to be...' - The Music / Human

Heart-breaker or heartbroken? Which is worst?! Again I'm really not sure why these type of questions are prompted to me - possibly a dig? I know I have been in both parts. I'm of the mind being the breaker is worse, since I know how being broken is. It's horrible to know that something you've cherished is not going to plan or there has been a 'hiccup' that puts the whole element in doubt - seeing the eyes well up, sensing the bad news. Hearing the game over. But delivering the above and feeling the guilt that you know what you are making that person feel like and being torn between the desire to do justice by the relationship in its last leg. Knowing what is the right thing is one part of the picture, actually doing the right thing is completly different.

'Yet there is still this appeal we've kept through our lives...' - Joy Division / Love Will Tear Us Apart

Being in love makes things what they are when it's good and it's the thing which can break you in a glance.

I do stress this is just some ideas, a stop gap if you like - I will redraft with my views a little more defined, this is really pencilled - I'm not firm in everything I've said; there does need to be a little pondering, but it's took me three days and much effort to get this far!


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