
Get Back To Your Dishes...

I am bored with sexist debates. Honestly - at work, at home and out at night. Jesus is everyone so hard done by?! Men are equal to women. Women to men. There are useful men, like there are useful women. Obviously there are the hopeless that bane the progress of society also. Everyone is just as bad as everyone else (special, then for the positive among you). I don't expect to pick up the full bill on a first date, I don't expect to have to buy every drink that my girlfriend throws over her neck, I don't expect to be the breadwinner - have a housewife and two point four children that she gave up her career to bring up. I wouldn't mind if that is how it goes, there is nothing wrong with making the choice of being a housewife, being a kept woman. But it's not an obligation. A guy at work said to my boss to get back to her dishes, yes she was moaning but with reason. I had to point out to him that was out of order and it erupted into a day long debate about womens place. I wasn't aware they had a place. It's dated and if we were to be honest, we know where the power lies in the sexes now.


Blogger BD said...

Equal was selected for a reason...


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