I do not discriminate - sex, creed or colour. Primarily cause I couldn't care about any of those things. You're just a person I walk past in the street. What you do to your girlfriend in the bedroom, if you visit a mosque or if you have a better tan than me. So?
For generalisation sake - Being black isn't good, it isn't bad it just is. Being a jew isn't good, it isn't bad it just is. Being female isn't good, it isn't bad it just is. Just like the sky is blue and grass is green. Accept it.
I don't need to say how great it is I've a chinese mate to not be racist. Or how I cook to not be sexist. Aren't people going too far? Press creates divisions by pointing things out, ethnic people are given help beyond call which makes the less fortunate of the majority resentful. The bigger picture is this constant highlighting isn't helping...