
Get Back To Your Dishes...

I am bored with sexist debates. Honestly - at work, at home and out at night. Jesus is everyone so hard done by?! Men are equal to women. Women to men. There are useful men, like there are useful women. Obviously there are the hopeless that bane the progress of society also. Everyone is just as bad as everyone else (special, then for the positive among you). I don't expect to pick up the full bill on a first date, I don't expect to have to buy every drink that my girlfriend throws over her neck, I don't expect to be the breadwinner - have a housewife and two point four children that she gave up her career to bring up. I wouldn't mind if that is how it goes, there is nothing wrong with making the choice of being a housewife, being a kept woman. But it's not an obligation. A guy at work said to my boss to get back to her dishes, yes she was moaning but with reason. I had to point out to him that was out of order and it erupted into a day long debate about womens place. I wasn't aware they had a place. It's dated and if we were to be honest, we know where the power lies in the sexes now.


BD And Feminists...

Feminists are refreshing. Although popular belief/the media (anyone afraid of the questioning of political correctness) portrays feminists as fat ugly smelly lesbians - the jist are not at all. Some are gay, granted but so are some 'great' heroes in the army. Wow! Feminists have a serious point to make. And the good ones are the ones who have got past this victimisation idea. Equals all the way. Men can do some things better than women, women some things better than men. The idea is too accept this - and to be independant. To complain that men have it easy is stupid and that doesn't you a feminist. Cause in truth men get about as much shit now, they haven't got it easy. Example, sexual harrasment - this does happen and it is a disgrace that men would use positions of power to influence a woman in a sexual manner. But how often does it happen? 50% of cases brought to court? 75% of cases. Playing the sex card is just as bad if you're female than if you're male. And it's not like men don't get harrased. Diet Coke adverts?! Reversed I don't know how it'd sit. Doesn't make any odds - sex sells. But only when it suits? Anyway, feminists - an intelligent opiniated woman. Who might want kids, a husband a PA's job. No pre-conceptions. The fact she demands the respect of being treated as a person and 'goes dutch' doesn't make her evil. (lol)


The Value Of Recent News...

I know I shouldn't have even noticed. But Charles & Camilla are getting married. (Prince Charles) Who gives a fuck?! There are more pressing matters surely? Or did the press just fancy mentioning Dianna again? Isn't she dead? Wasn't she called for everything until she died? And the John Paul and his health. I haven't been able to sleep for worrying. What about the WW2 veterans who have died this week - they're worth the recognition of media coverage. No offence to Catholics, it is everyones choice to have a faith - but that is not front page news, he's out dated. Society won't be chained to a backward religion. Anti-gay, what?! Pro-life?! Jesus if you tried to understand that book - you'd want to abort your life. It's not always the way to go, not everything is the result of personal 'sin'. Sometimes the lesser evil is for the greater good.


Is It Just Me Or...

...do the Futureheads sound welsh?


BD And More Philosophy...

What we see depends mainly on what we look for.

Chaos Theory...

You have a bag of marbles and you fling them about in any direction and they go flying everywhere. Where will the marbles land? Nobody knows. HOWEVER, we do know they won't land in Oklahoma. In fact we can predict fairly accurately the limits of where they will land given the strength of the flinger, etc. We might be able to say accurately that no marble will ever land more than 200 feet from the flinger. Chaos doesn't mean something is totally unpredictable. It means things are unpredictable within a certain set of parameters or tolerances.


Possible Additions...

These should be considered for the Top 10.

Jackie De Shannon / What The World Needs Now // My Best Friends Wedding
Martin Grech / Only One Listening // Open Heart Zoo
Fred Anderson Quartet / Bombay // Milawaukee Tapes
Orbital / Technologicque // XXX
Futureheads / Decent Days And Nights // Futureheads
Interpol / C'Mere // Antics
Music / Middle Of Nowhere // Breakin' EP
Grandma / KL // For Your Broken Heart EP
Little Killers / Spider // Demo
Headset / Dustmite // Solarized
James / She's A Star // James
The Kingsbury Manx / Porchlight // Let You Down
David Axelrod / Big B+ // Demo
Ladytron / Seventeen // 604
Ian Brown / Getting High // KWRC - Live In Fuji
Harold Budd / The Room // The Room
Led Zeppelin / Kashmir // Remastered
Pedro / Fear & Resillience // Melodic Downloads
Global Goons / Dead Weird Keks // Family Glue
Maz Plant Out / Grin // Chansons Pour Pendus
Softcell / Say Hello Wave Goodbye // Memorabilia
Tangerine Dream / Minoaurae Hunt At Dawn // Oranges
Oasis / Listen Up // Cigarettes & Alcohol EP
Smiths / This Charming Man // Collections
Joy Division / Transmission // Heart & Soul
Cooper Temple Clause / Talking To A Brick Wall // Kick Up The Dust And Let The Flames Break Loose
Gomez / Buena Vista // Abandoned Shopping Trolley Hotline
Ninjatune / Telema // White Label Demo
New Order / Temptation // Substance 1987
Rebelski / Scallywag // Stickers On Keys
Flaming Lips / Are You A Hypnotist // Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots
Kraftwerk / Strom // B - Sides [IMPORT]
764 Hero / You Were A Party // TBC
Suzanne Ciani / Velocity Of Love // Ciani
Astralyte / Froot // Back At The Chicken Shack
Cinematic Orchestra / All That You Give // Cinematic Orchestra
Secret Machines / Nowhere Again // Now This Is Nowhere
Daedelus / A Touch Of Spring // The Quiet Party
Pink Floyd / Another Brick In The Wall (Part 2) // The Wall
Stranglers / No More Heroes // Peaches
Radio 4 / Dance To The Underground // Dance To The Underground


Progress with the Top Ten...

Tracks - Music / Human // Music EP
BRMC / Heart & Soul // Take Them On, On Your Own
Postal Service / Such Great Heights // Postal Service
Cooper Temple Clause / Let's Kill Music // See This Through And Leave
Embrace / Glorious Day // Out Of Nothing
Interzone / Joy Division // Permanent
Martin Grech / Open Heart Zoo // Open Heart Zoo
Coldplay / Clocks // A Rush Of Blood To The Head
Manic Street Preachers / Empty Souls // Lifeblood
Smile Like You Mean It / Killers // Hot Fuss
Jimmy Smith / Organ Grinder's Swing // Organ Grinder's Swing
Feeder / Oxygen // Echo Park
Doves / The Sulphur Man // The Last Broadcast
Kasabian / U Boat // Kasabian LP
Futureheads / Danger Of The Water // The Futureheads
Cast / Alien // Maic Hour
Brian Eno / But If... // The Drop
Gomez / Buena Vista // Abandoned Shopping Trolley Hotline
Doors / Riders Of The Storm // Best Of:
Faint / Agenda Suicide // Danse Macabre
Death In Vegas / GBH // Dead Elvis

...yes there are more than ten.

Music / Human...


I can hear the silence, of what we used to be
And I can see the sign, of what you want to be


You have so changed
In many different ways
But now I'm sure, that now I want it that way
You used to show me how
But now I know much more than you will ever, ever know


There Is Definitely A Difference...

Knowing how to do something and understanding how to do something. Most people understand the mechanics of things, like spark plugs in a car - everyone knows what they do, why they are required, how in theory to replace one. But only someone trained and experienced would know what kind of spark plug to use, where to locate the spark plug, how to efficiently remove and replace it. I'm not saying I can't replace a spark plug I'm just saying people who don't know how to change a spark plug don't necessarily not understand spark plugs. There are things that come with experience and application - knowing the basics is not knowing everything. How to apply these basics is a whole different concept. Isn't it?


Peter Saville...

I had wrote a salute but really the art speaks for itself -

There is still the New Order colour code, the floppy disc, the factory postcards and posters. Now the Music have there album and single sleeve artwork directed by Peter, music and modern art in harmony.


Upon Re-Reading...

What is sarcastic and what is genuine?